Intellectual Property claims Last update 1 year ago

REPORTING CLAIMS OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT's content is generated by its users, who are not checked for violations of copyright or other rights when posting their contributions.

However, if you believe that any of the content uploaded to JeBoulot violates your copyright or related rights, please follow the process below.

JeBoulot looks into reported violations and removes or disables content shown to violate third party rights.

To ensure that we can address your concerns as quickly and effectively as possible, a copyright infringement notice should include the following:

  • Identification of the copyrighted work that is being infringed upon or violated, and identification of the copyright(s) under which its use may be unlawful.
  • Your copyright certificate(s)/designation(s) and the type, e.g., registered or unregistered.
  • Copies of records proving that you own the copyrighted work.
  • A detailed description of where and how our user(s) allegedly infringed upon your copyright(s).
  • A reference for example, include a link to the material you allege is being used without permission.
  • Your complete name, mailing address, email address and telephone number.
  • A statement that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or have an exclusive right to use the material.
  • Your electronic or physical signature.

You can send your Notice Here:

We will notify the user who is allegedly infringing your copyright and give them an opportunity to respond.

In cases where we receive sufficient evidence of infringement, we may remove or suspend reported materials prior to giving the user a chance to respond.

In cases where an alleged infringer provides us with a proper counter-notification, we may replace the removed or disabled material.

If you fail to comply with all of these requirements, your request may not be approved.

Please be aware that if you knowingly misrepresent material or activity on the Website to be infringing your copyright, you may incur legal consequences.


If you believe that material you posted on the site was removed or access to it disabled by mistake or misidentification, please contact us ( so we can rectify our mistake and restore your access as soon as possible.

The Counter-Notice must include substantially the following:

  • Your physical or electronic signature.
  • A description of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which it appeared before removal or disabling.
  • Details which will enable us to get in touch with you (such as your name, postal address and telephone number).
  • A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the information provided to us is accurate and that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification.
  • Please be aware that misrepresenting that material or activity was removed by mistake or misidentification could result in legal consequences.

TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT's content is generated by its users, who are not checked for violations of trademark or other rights when posting their contributions.

However, if you believe that any of the content uploaded to JeBoulot violates your trademark or related rights, please follow the process below.

JeBoulot looks into reported violations and removes or disables content shown to violate third party trademark rights.

To ensure that we can address your concerns as quickly and effectively as possible, a trademark infringement notice should include the following:

  • Identification of your trademark and the goods/services for which you claim trademark rights.
  • You will need to provide your trademark registration certificate, as well as a printout from the pertinent country's trademark office records showing that it is still in force. Alternatively, you can supply a statement asserting its unregistered status together with a court ruling confirming your rights.
  • A short description of how our user(s) allegedly infringe(s) your trademark(s).
  • Please provide a clear reference to the materials you allege are infringing and which you wish removed, for example by providing a link.
  • Your complete name, address, email address, and telephone number.
  • A statement that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the trademark owner or have an exclusive right to use the material.
  • Your electronic or physical signature.

You can send your Notice Here:

We will notify the user who is allegedly infringing your trademark and give them an opportunity to respond.

In cases where we receive sufficient evidence of infringement, we may remove or suspend reported materials prior to giving the user a chance to respond.

In cases where an alleged infringer provides us with a proper counter-notification, we may replace the removed or disabled material.

If you fail to comply with all of these requirements, your request may not be approved.

Please be aware that if you knowingly misrepresent material or activity on the Website to be infringing your trademark, you may incur legal consequences.


In appropriate circumstances we will disable the accounts of users who are repeat infringers.